Your Perfect Summer Pedicure
With the arrival of some swelteringly hot weather, you’ll have been wanting to stay cool.
So it’s been time to ditch the winter boots and shoes and step out in flip-flops and sandals – which means that your feet are going to be on show big time.
There’s no point splashing out on a pretty pair of summer strappy flats if you’re going to spoil the effect by sliding in a pair of uncared for, knarly feet.
Look after yourself and show your feet off at your best by getting a proper pedicure. You want a pedicure that includes a foot massage (to get the circulation going), attention to areas of dry and calloused skin, and of course a detailed look at your toe nails.
You can get things on the right track before you go off for a pedicure by soaking your feet in a bowl (or better still when you have a bath) of our Dead Sea Genuine Bath Salts. These will help the circulation, draw out toxins and soften any hard skin – which you can then work on with a pumice stone.
Another way of waking your feet up to summer is by using our Dead Sea Body Scrub to give them a really good polish. The scented grains not only feel good (you’ll find them very invigorating) but the rubbing action will also boost circulation and the coarse grains will get to grips with any dry skin areas.
Then it’s off for your pedicure. We think it’s always best to go with a friend if you can, so you can chat, gossip and catch up whilst your feet are being attended to.
There’s sure to be a beautician, nail bar or department store near you that does pedicures (although it’s always best to book in advance) and one company we like are Nails Inc – who aside from having some wonderful coloured nail varnish, have pedicure bars all over the country – you can book here.
When you’re choosing your nail varnish, you could opt for a gel finish – which will last for up to three weeks. A good idea if you’re going on a beach holiday and you don’t want your nails to chip – however you’ll have to get a gel pedicure removed professionally – you can’t do it with standard nail varnish remover!
To keep your feet looking lovely, massage in a foot cream every night – you could also use our Dead Sea Natural Mineral Body Lotion for this – paying particular attention to the skin on your heels.
And to maintain soft feet, use our Dead Sea Body Scrub and Dead Sea Genuine Bath Salts to give those tooties a treat.
You can buy all our Dead Sea products online from Boots now. Remember they are vegan and contain only natural minerals – so you’re not putting any chemicals on your skin.
Featured image via Nails Inc. You can book a pedicure with them here.