Look at the options for skincare on the shelves of shops and chemists today and it’s easy to become overwhelmed by what’s on offer. (And spend a lot of money at the same time too.)

Particularly when it comes to cleansing and nourishing the skin.

Our great grandmothers would be amazed at how things have changed since their day. Their skincare routine probably consisted of a bit of cold cream to wipe any make-up off, soap and water and a touch of moisturiser.

Homemade face packs made from natural ingredients such as oats, cucumbers, used tea bags (for tired eyes) and egg whites may have been as far as pampering went.

Fitness might have been as simple as walking everywhere, cycling and doing the housework.

Did they get it right after all?

There’s no doubt that nowadays there are amazing products out there which claim to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, brighten the skin. And many have been carefully scientifically tested.

But sometimes skincare is a case of less is more. Keep it simple.

If you load chemicals onto your skin, you’re running the risk of aggravating allergies, provoking an unwanted reaction … and you never really know what’s in the mix in any case.

Most dermatologists think that skincare should consist of a product that cleanses the skin as gently as possible, without stripping it of natural oils. And wearing a high spf sunscreen daily. And that’s it. (Keeping your skin out of the sun is the most effective way of warding off wrinkles and ageing.)

Time for a Detox?

As part of a detox, you might like to rethink your skincare routine. Opt for products that don’t claim to revolutionise your life or turn you into a great beauty but rather do the job simply, effectively, without fuss and without digging into your savings account.

Maybe you need to take a little time out and try something that’s 100% natural, won’t cost a fortune but do the job simply and effectively.

But won’t soap and water dry my skin?

Because our mineral soaps don’t contain harsh chemicals, they don’t strip the skin of natural oils – so they don’t leave your face leaving tight afterwards.

You might like to try our Black Mud Mask soap – which has a build-up effect. You won’t notice any change immediately but over a few weeks you could find that blemishes and acne are gratifyingly diminished. (But don’t just take our word for it, read what others say about it.)

Then there’s our Sulphur Soap. Because both of these soaps don’t contain perfume you may find the smell unusual – although not unpleasant. (And you can buy them online from Boots now.)

And they’re not just for use on your face – you can use them in the bath or shower and again, you’ll almost certainly find that your skin feels pleasantly cleansed, rather than tight. In fact, sufferers of psoriasis and eczema are known fans and they are the last people to use a product that’s drying.

Save your £££s

At this time of year with post Christmas credit card bills to be paid (and possibly tax bills) it’s always good to be able to save money. Our soaps are under £5 and will last you a few weeks. (And your great grandmother would almost certainly approve of saving money for a rainy day!)

But don’t feel you’re cutting corners with your skincare – rather you’re indulging your skin with 100% natural products.

Soap and water. Just what your great grandmother would recommend. Why not give it a try for a few weeks?