It’s often the case that when we have a busy, active life we’re actually troubled – ironically – by insomnia.

There’s nothing worse than feeling tired, planning on having an early night – and then being unable to sleep.

So what can you do to help this?

Taking medication for insomnia isn’t always the answer – although it’s a good idea to make an appointment to visit your GP if it’s starting to become a real problem.

There are in fact other things you can do to help encourage healthy sleeping patterns in the meantime.

Avoiding caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant. So if you find it hard to drop off to sleep, you might want to reassess your caffeine intake. Resolve to avoid caffeine-containing drinks after 3pm in the afternoon and switch to caffeine-free tea and coffee and soft drinks instead. Some people report that a night-time drink of camomile tea helps.

Also alcohol

You may think that a glass or two of wine helps you to feel sleepy, but in fact you don’t sleep as soundly after you’ve had a few drinks in the evening – so limit your intake.


This is a good way to make your body feel naturally tired – particularly if you have a desk bound job. Your brain may be weary but your body may be under exercised. Try and build exercise into your day – a visit to the gym, a brisk walk.

Keep to the same sleep pattern

Although a lie-in at the weekends may be tempting, it actually disrupts your sleep cycle. So set an alarm at weekends and don’t lie in too long.

A relaxing bath

Try and have a wind-down routine at the end of the day. A relaxing bath will help (this is one of the recommendations given by the NHS for insomnia) – and this is the perfect time to throw in a handful of our Genuine Dead Sea Bath Salts which will relax and soothe your muscles. If you’d like to add a touch of fragrance, then try our Aromatherapy Bath Salts to scent the water. The natural minerals contained in our bath products are reportedly very soothing and calming.

Finally – bedtime is not the time to check your e mails, social media channels and text messages. Screens are said to disrupt sleep and so it’s much better to read an old-fashioned book, newspaper or magazine just before you turn the light out!